Welcome to Andres-Quinones.com

andres-Quiñones-ParedesI am an evolutionary biologist interested in combining experimental and theoretical approaches to understand social systems. I develop mathematical and computational models of the evolution of social behaviours, and I have done field experiments to discover the mechanisms behind these social behaviours.

At the moment, I am a posdoctoral researcher at the behavioural ecology group in the University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland. My current project is about developing computational models of the learning processes inspired by cleaner fish, if you want to know more about this click here. During my PhD in Groninge the Netherlands, I worked on a variety of topics revolving around the evolution of social behaviour, among them: cultural evolution, the evolution of eusociality and the evolution of cooperative breeding. If you want to know more about it, you can go to here, where you can also download my thesis, or go to my publications page.

I am still a novice photographer, but I like taking pictures very much. If you want, the take a look at some of my pics below.

Partly due to my Colombian background I have strong opinions about drugs and drug policy. I tried to explain some of those opinions in a essay, if you are interested and can understand Spanish ask me for a copy.


Check out my recent and pending publications

Cryptic extended brood care in the facultatively eusocial sweat bee Megalopta genalis

Andrés E. Quiñones & William Wcislo As a result of different brood cell provisioning strategies, nest-making inse...
Cryptic extended brood care in the facultatively eusocial sweat bee Megalopta genalis

Negotiation and appeasement are more effective drivers of sociality than kin selection

Andrés E. Quiñones, G. Sander van Doorn, Ido Pen, Franz J. Weissing, Michael Taborsky Cooperation in social groups is...
Negotiation and appeasement are more effective drivers of sociality than kin selection

Cultural evolution of cooperation: The interplay between forms of social learning and group selection.

Andrés E. Quiñones, Lucas Molleman, Franz J. Weissing. The role of cultural group selection in the evolution of human...
Cultural evolution of cooperation: The interplay between forms of social learning and group selection.

A unified model of the transition from solitary to eusocial life

Andrés E. Quiñones & Ido Pen The evolution of eusociality is considered one of the major transitions in evolution...
A unified model of the transition from solitary to eusocial life

My photography

Photography for is one of those hobbies I cling on to just for the fun of it, despite not being all that good. Here you can check out some of the pics organized by the place where they were taken.
Pictures the Netherlands
Pictures the Netherlands
I moved to the Netherlands in 2009 to start my mas...
Photo’s Colombia
Photo’s Colombia
I've made many pictures in Colombia. I like to go ...

Interested in collaborating with me?

I'm always interested in meeting people. Drop me a note and we'll see what we can do.

Upcoming Events

PhD Defence – autumn 2016 Groningen
I will have my PhD defence in Groningen in the fall of 2016....
PhD Defence – autumn 2016 Groningen