About me


I was born and raised in Bogotá, Colombia. After finishing school, I was a bit fed up with the big city, so I went to live for six month in Brighton, UK, with the excuse of improving my English. After that, I went back to Bogotá to start a bachelor in biology. Then I went back again to the old continent, this time to the flatlands (aka: the Netherlands). In Groningen I did a master degree in Ecology and Evolution. Groningen seems to have a magnet to keep people there, so without much resistance I stayed to do a PhD in theoretical biology. During these years in Groningen I manage to scape for short periods of time. I spent a semester back in the tropics, living on the ‘famous’ Barro Colorado Island (BCI). I have paid a few visits to Bern, Switzerland. And, I spent a semester in the beautiful ‘ville rose’ (Toulouse, France). We will see where I end up next.